
We would like to extend a warm welcome to you and your family.

We have made a short video introducing you to parts of our school and the Nursery - Welcome to our Nursery

Our Nursery teachers are Mrs Deak-Szep and Mrs Patel

How to get your child ready to start Nursery

Below you can find some useful information to help you prepare your child to start Nursery:

Preparing your child for Nursery leaflet

Potty and toilet training guide

Development of 3 and 4 year olds

Nursery Readiness Checklist



Please find below a summary of our school uniform for Nursery children:

  • Plain or Whitehall logo red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan.
  • Red or white plain polo shirt (please no long sleeved shirts for Nursery children)
  • Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings.
  • Red, white or grey socks / tights.
  • Footwear – Sensible black shoes with no laces. Plain black trainers are acceptable - no logos. Plain black boots are allowed in the winter.

Please note:

  • Religious head covering – red / black / grey or white. Plain colours only please. Please ensure that any headscarf is shoulder length, not elbow length.
  • Hair accessories - Bows should be no larger than 10cm from end to end
  • Children only require a book bag, not a rucksack.
  • Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and ensure they bring in a raincoat in the summer and a warm coat with a hood in the winter.


Early Years Foundation Stage

Learning in Nursery

In Nursery, we follow the Early Years framework.

The framework is broken down into 7 areas of learning.

These are: Prime Areas: Communication and Language, PSED, Physical development

 Specific Areas: Literacy, Mathematical, Understanding of the World, Expressive Arts and  Design.


We concentrate on the basic skills of reading, writing and maths but ensure that all children have a broad and balanced curriculum.


Inclusive Learning

We support all learners to achieve excellence in all they do when they are at Whitehall.

We support children who are learning to acquire English with specific activities in class as well as a specialist language programme depending on level.

Children who are new to school are supported to settle in including having a buddy from their class to help them.

Some children may find learning more challenging than others for a range of different reasons. Children with a special educational need (SEN) complete targeted interventions depending on what they need support in. This is overseen by Mrs. Kennedy, our SENCO.