Parents’ Association

Welcome to The Parents' Association page. You will find answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Parents' Association?
The Parents' Association is a voluntary organisation comprising of parents and carers of children at the school which aims to fundraise and enhance their school life.
How does it fund raise?
The Parents' Association organises the Christmas and Summer Fairs, termly cake sales and other occasional events in order to raise funds and bring children, parents and staff together within the school environment. 
What are funds spent on?
The Parents’ Association works in partnership with the school to provide opportunities to enhance our children's school experience with additional activities and entertainment. For example, for a number of years it has funded a visiting pantomime, subsidised school trips to keep the cost low for all parents, provided ice pops for sports day and a Christmas book gift from Santa. The donations to school are not simply financial and often involve a hands on approach to activities! Members of the Parents' Association have been known to help out Santa Claus, serve up 400 pancakes, put on a street party and help judge the Easter Bonnet Parade. It is rewarding to be a part of creating these events and happy memories for the children.Funds can also be spent on improving the school environment as identified by the headteacher of the school.
Who can join the Parents' Association?
By having a child in Whitehall Infant School you are automatically a member of the Parents' Association and everyone has a part to play. It could be by:
• attending events
• making a suggestion or giving feedback
• responding to appeals for baking or donations
• volunteering to help at an event
• helping with fundraising (perhaps your employer has a fund matching scheme to double your efforts?)
• providing a raffle prize
• helping to organise events
• helping with the donation activities at school
• joining the committee

The Parents’ Association have signed up to ‘easyfundraising’. This is a free way to raise funds. All you have to do is do your online shopping via the easyfundraising website. For more information, visit

What is the committee?
The committee is a group of elected volunteers who meet regularly to plan events. It comprises of a chair person, treasurer, secretary, vice chair person and active members. The committee is appointed at the Annual General Meeting in the autumn term. New people and suggestions are always welcome.



Want to be involved or find out more?
Please contact us via email or follow us on Facebook via the links below. We look forward to meeting you!
Contact us