This page contains information for parents / carers and children regarding safeguarding and child protection.
What is the difference between the terms safeguarding and child protection?
In practice, Safeguarding is the policies and practices that schools and Governing Bodies put in place to keep children safe and promote their well-being. This includes everything from the security of the buildings and environment, to the safe recruitment of staff and everything in between.
Child protection is a term used to describe the activity that is undertaken to protect a specific child or children, who are suffering or liable to suffer significant harm.
Please click on the following link for more information regarding Safeguarding at Whitehall Infant School: Safeguarding Information
Please click on the following link for our Child Protection policy :
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Operation Encompass
Whitehall Infant School has been given the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between schools and the Metropolitan Police. This project is called Operation Encompass.
Operation Encompass means that the school will be notified before the start of a next school day when the police have attended a domestic violence incident that a child has been involved in or exposed to. The Designated Safeguarding Lead will be informed of any incidents and will then use this information to ensure the wellbeing of the child. This timely knowledge enables a plan for appropriate support to be made for that child.
We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.
Private Fostering
Private fostering is when a child or young person under the age of 16 (or under 18 if disabled) is cared for, and provided with accommodation for 28 days or more, by an adult who is not a close relative. Close relatives include aunts, uncles, step-parents, grandparents, siblings and step-siblings. School has a responsibility to notify the local authority of any private fostering arrangement.
Please click on the link below for further information.
Useful Links
A Parents Guide to being Share Aware: NSPCC - share-aware
NSPCC (a registered charity with advice pages and helpline) -
Barnardos (a registered charity with advice pages and helpline) -
Childline (or call 0800 1111) -
NPCCC PANTS rule (with advice pages) -
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command -
The Thinkuknow website has lots of useful tips for parents and carers to help keep their child safe online. Click on the icon below to access their website.
Thinkuknow also has a page for advice specifically for children aged 4-7