Whitehall Infant School

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Cowley Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2LX


Uxbridge (01895) 590112

Whitehall Infant School

A five star school with a FRESH approach

  1. Curriculum
  2. PSHE


Personal, Social and Health Education

                          The school uses the 'Jigsaw' PSHE programme. All classes have weekly PSHE lessons as well as being taught PSHE through other related areas of the wider curriculum for example Science and Religious Education.


Jigsaw - the mindful approach to PSHE     

What is PSHE Education?

PSHE Education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives – now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

What do Schools have to teach in PSHE Education?

According to the latest guidance from the government, via the National Curriculum, every schools needs to have a broad and balanced curriculum that

  • promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and
  • prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life’
  • promotes British values


Relationships and Health Education (RHE)

Relationships Education gives pupils the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships with other children and with adults. It aims to enable children to know what a healthy relationship looks like, how to build and maintain happy, healthy relationships with others and to recognise the importance of a range of relationships with friends, family, in school and in the wider community in which they live.

Relationships Education also teaches pupils to recognise unhealthy behaviours, how to keep safe, identify potential dangers in their on and off line lives and how to report any concerns, worries or abuse and where to access help when needed. 

Health Education is about teaching the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing. Mental wellbeing is a part of daily life, in the same way as physical health. 

As a school we cover “Being Safe” as an aspect of the statutory Relationships Education curriculum which includes learning vocabulary related to privacy and safeguarding. It is recommended, for example by the NSPCC, that children are taught the correct names for all body parts and through our science curriculum we teach the scientific names of body parts (e.g. penis and vagina).  

Basic life cycles are taught within the science curriculum (e.g. life cycles, hatching chicks) in reception and key stage 1. 


A copy of our policy can be found here