Whitehall Infant School

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Cowley Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 2LX


Uxbridge (01895) 590112

Whitehall Infant School

A five star school with a FRESH approach

  1. Home Learning
  2. Reading At Home

Reading At Home

How do I read to my child at home?

  • Set a time when you will read to your child. Show them it is important. Make it special
  • Read in different voices – show them reading is fun!
  • Re-read favourite stories so children can begin to join in
  • Discuss the pictures and the front cover
  • Ask questions as you read


How do I listen to my child read?

  • Read everyday. 10 minutes a day is better than 1 long session.
  • Give them time to decode words.
  • Remind them to sound it out and draw attention to the pictures to help them
  • Praise them for trying – it doesn’t have to be perfect
  • Play games