School Improvement Priorities

Whitehall Infant School is a good school. The Governors, Head Teacher and Senior Leadership team continually evaluate the school’s effectiveness, and identify School Improvement Priorities to move our school forward.

School Improvement Priorities 2023-2024

Area of Development School Priority
Quality of Education To ensure that Teaching and Learning is designed to help all pupils to remember the content they have been taught to integrate new knowledge into larger ideas  
Behaviour and Attitudes To ensure pupils have high attendance and punctuality, particularly our disadvantaged pupils
Personal Development

To promote personal development of pupils by ensuring that they have access to a wide and rich set of experiences, which develop their talents and interests

Leadership and Management To build on leadership good practice so that new and existing leaders work strategically, lead decisively and have an accurate self-evaluation of their subject area or area of responsibility (including recognising and celebrating the strengths of the school)
Early Years Provision To ensure that the curriculum has impact on what the children know, can remember and do is strong