School Improvement Priorities

Whitehall Infant School is a good school. The Governors, Head Teacher and Senior Leadership team continually evaluate the school’s effectiveness, and identify School Improvement Priorities to move our school forward.

School Improvement Priorities 2024-2025

Area of Development School Priority
Quality of Education

To ensure our provision is ambitious and results in good progress particularly for our disadvantaged pupils based on each child’s contextual barriers

Behaviour and Attitudes Continue to work with parents to support improvement in attendance of our persistent absentee families
Personal Development

To provide a wide, rich set of experiences that are coherently planned in each year group and across the school that go beyond the expected

Leadership and Management

Embedding the strong, established systems and procedures in the new teams across the school.

Early Years Provision

To ensure that the learning journey of every child is robust and ambitious, building on what the children know, can remember and can do