New to English - 2Start English


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We use a programme called "2Start English" to support children and parents who are new to English. You can find 2Start English by using your child's Purple Mash account.



Click here for instructions on how to log in to your childs Purple Mash account to access 2Start English!


2Start English

2Start English helps children understand and communicate in English, whether they are completely new to English or would enjoy the creative
activities within the program. The games and activities take place within the context of a multi-cultural English school where children explain
school routines and tell stories.

Each unit starts with animated screens that the children can explore and create for themselves.

There are 6 units:
- Animals
- All about me
- The classroom
- Colours
- Food
- Numbers

How to use the animated screens

Select a box e.g. “Explore all about me”

A picture will appear and the pupil can click on all the items in the picture with a yellow outline. They will hear the vocabulary and they can then repeat the word or phrase that they hear.

When they have finished listening to the words in this picture, to come out of the picture they need to click on the arrow in the top left hand corner of the page. They will then see a box in the middle of the page with “Are you sure you want to exit the programme?”

Click on the green icon and then they can choose another picture to go into.

They can create their own picture using the Create option e.g. “All about me create home”.

They can play a memory game by clicking on a memory box e.g. Food Memory


Once they have acquired more vocabulary, they can listen to a story in each section by clicking on the box with Story e.g. Food Story 1 or
Food Story 2

In each category there is also a Muddled Sentence activity and a Pick a Sentence activity.