
Community Schools Admissions Arrangements

As set out in the School Admissions Code, Admission authorities must set (‘determine’) admission arrangements annually. Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements, the admission authority must first publicly consult on those arrangements. Consultation must be for a minimum of 6 weeks and must take place between 1st October and 31st January of the school year before those arrangements are to apply.


Hillingdon Council is the admissions authority for all Hillingdon Community schools.


How to respond? 

The local authority welcomes your feedback.  You can access further information regarding the reasoning of proposed changes and make comments or suggestions in response, please visit the Council website via  


Alternatively, you can submit a written response to School Placement and Admissions Team, 4E/09, High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.  

If you have any questions that have not been covered in the consultation document or that are specific to your circumstances and would like to discuss these, please contact 556644.


Consultation Document - Please click here for access.


Applying for Reception 2024


Applying for Junior School 2024


Nursery Admissions

There is one intake for Nursery in line with the academic year in September.

Children are eligible to join our nursery the September FOLLOWING their 3rd birthday and places are allocated in the Spring Term. We will still accept applications after this time.

To apply for a Nursery place, please follow these instructions:

1. Download and complete our Application form - Pupil Information Form.doc. Please note that you do not have to print this and fill it in by hand, you can complete the details electronically.

2. Download and complete our Early Years Pupil Premium form - Early Years Pupil Premium.docx. This can also be completed electronically.

3. Take a photo of your child's original birth certificate.

4. Email the completed Application form, Early Years Pupil Premium form and photo of your child's original birth certificate to

Applications will then be held on file and places are allocated in order of the following priority:

  1. Sibling already in school
  2. Distance

For further information for parents of children joining Nursery, please click on the following link Nursery Welcome.


In Year Admissions

If you would like to apply for a place at our school, please visit for information on how to do so.

For information on ‘Local Offers‘ please click here:

For more information on schools please visit or